Tralokya Chintaman Ras


Trailokya Chintamani Ras is a classical herbo-mineral formulation of Ayurveda. This medicine is tridoshnasak and improves strength and stamina. In debility it use gives body new strength.

Trailokya Chintamani Ras , Ingredients, Preparation,Dosage, Therapeutic Uses

Trailokya Chintamani Ras is a classical herbo-mineral formulation of Ayurveda. This medicine is tridoshnasak and improves strength and stamina. In debility it use gives body new strength.
  1. Shuddha Parad
  2. Shuddha Gandhak
  3. Heerak Bhasma (or Vaikrant Bhasma as substitute)
  4. Swarna Bhasma
  5. Raupya Bhasma
  6. Lauha Bhasma
  7. Abhrak Bhasma
  8. Tamra Bhasma
  9. Moti Bhasma
  10. Shankha Bhasma
  11. Prawal Bhasma
  12. Shuddha Manashila
  13. Shuddha Hartal
  14. Bhawna dravya: – Chitrakmool, Aak doodh, Suran Kandh, Nirgundi, Snuhi, Shigru, Kapardak/Cowrie, Rasa sindoor, Vaikrant Bhasma
Method Of Preparation
Trailokya Chintamani Ras is prepared using all bhasma – Heerak, Swarn, lauha, Abhrak, Rajat and all other given above and they are processed in many herbs. All these bhasma are sharp and hot in potency. This processing is useful in detoxification of mercury and bring physical and chemical changes in the drug and this way increase their therapeutic efficiency.
Consume 1 tablets of this medicine twice a day after prescription.
Therapeutic Uses
  • Trailokya Chintamani Ras is a tonic that improves digestive strength by showing its effect on pancreas, liver and intestine.
  • It also provides strength to heart.
  • It is improves general health
  • This medicine is even suggested in pneumonia, influenza, fever, cough, TB, respiratory illness.
  • Other conditions where it is beneficial are arthritis, weakness of nerves, epilepsy, bleeding dysentery.
  • Even good to use in Diabetes, fluid retention in body, stones, fistula and piles.
This Ayurvedic medicine must be consumed under strict directions only as it contain metals.
Avoid its self-medication as it might be unsafe.


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