Now – A- Days health is being considered as a commodity to be purchased specially under the so called modern way of life which is not true at all, Good health can only be achieved by following balanced lifestyle and habits. In layman terms Good health can be defined as physical, mental, and social well being. Only Ayurveda speaks about it because Ayurveda is the science of healing and rejuvenation and Ayurveda is very clear about it All good health starts with Good Food, Good Digestion with a proper metabolism of food , if you will roam around internet you will find 1000’s of portals speaking about Ayurveda and Ayurvedic Medicines but most of them miss the fact Ayurveda Considers the food we consume no less than a medicine In fact, there is a Shloka (writings of the ancient texts of Ayurveda) that speaks “food is medicine when consumed properly.”

If we eat foods uniquely suited to our physiology, and follow a satvik routine it will enhance digestion, our bodies will reap the benefits and we will find that our days will be happier, healthier and filled with real vitality — at any age. At Triphala Pharmacy we realized the importance of Food & Medicine both as per the definition of Ayurveda that’s why we came up with an unique idea where we are committed to serve society with Foods & Grains cultivated on the principles of Gau Krishi with zero chemicals which is no less than organic foods followed by Shastrikt Ayurvedic medicines and consultations.